Saturday, December 29, 2007

BSNl Broad Band Tips And Tricks

Check your BSNL dataone bandwidth usage with this software. It is downloadable from Dataone Usage Finder. The latest version will provide you the bill details too.

Save Broad Band Bandwidth

Use a GOOD Anti Virus

But how can anti virus help me to save bandwidth?

Most of the modern day virus and trojans are capable of auto-updating themselves. There are also similat malicious programs which send out data packets without your knowledge. And this will increase the bandwidth usgae and will give you a huge bill. This is where a good anti virus can help. Unfortunately, most of the anti-viruses available today are costly and are not affordable for common man in India. But, we have many good anti virus softwares which are available for free. And, they are as good as the paid ones and some outperforms the paid counterparts.

Here is a list of some free anti virus softwares.
And never use two anti-virus softwares simulatenously. Doing so will not help you much and also they eat up a lot of system resources. Though you can use anti-spywares along with it. And we reccomend to use ananti-spyware along with the anti virus software.

Here is a list of some FREE anti-spyware softwares.

So, install these, and update to latest definitions, do a complete system scan. Remove all those infections and notice the change in bandwidth usage and download / upload speed.

Configuring BSNL Dataone on SmartAX MT882 ADSL Router

This tutorial will help you to configure, SmartAX MT882 for manual dial....and the advantages??...more flexibility over the connection...

1) Select TCP/IP properties and enter as follows

set ip Address As
Subnet Maswk As
Default Gategay As
Prefferd DNS
Alternet DNS

2) Save settings and restart the computer.
3) Open your browser (preferably Internet Explorer ) and goto
4) Input as follows
5) Now goto Home->WAN Settings and there,

PVC Number - PVC-0
Wan Type - RFC2684Bridged
VPI/VCI - 0/35
Encap. - LLC

Apply and restart the modem.

6) Now goto Control Panel-->Network Connections
7) Create New connection-->(and a wizard will pop up) Next-->Connect to Internet(Select the radio button and click next)-->Setup My connection Manually(select it and click next)-->Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password (select it and click next)-->ISP name (type something, anything and click next)-->Type in the Username and password given to you in the specified coloumns also select the other options if you want to (and click next)-->If you want to add a shortcut of connection to desktop, check that square box and click finish.

Diouble Click the Icon in the desktop to connect to the BSNL Dataone broadband connection, and either double click the same icon or right click the system tray icon to disconnect from BSNL Dataone broadband connection.

Improve the broadband performance in Windows XP/2003

Well, before doing this test

1) Goto and click on Download Speed Test, and then on Smart Test....(and while conducting this test, don't forget to close all Instant Messagers, and there should be no other web activity, other than the test)

2) Note down the speeds.

Now, lets see, what all changes to be made.....

This tip is designed for increased BROADBAND speed in Windows XP while using standard Network Interface cards (NIC) that are connected to ADSL modems, or when using any directly-connected USB ADSL modem.

To speed up the Internet connection speed we need to configure a special buffer in the computer's memory in order to enable it to better deal with interrupts made from the NIC or the USB modem.

This tip is only recommended if you have 256MB RAM or higher.

Step #1 - Identify the IRQ used by the NIC/USB modem

1. Open the System Information tool by running MSINFO32.EXE from the Run command.
2. Expand System Summary > Hardware Resources > IRQs.
3. Look for the listing made for your NIC (in my case - a Intel® PRO/100+ Management Adapter). Note the IRQ next to the specified line (in my case - IRQ21).

In case of USB modems you will first need to find the right USB device used by your modem. Follow these steps:

1. Open the Device Manager tool by running DEVMGMT.MSC from the Run command (or by right-clicking My Computer > Hardware tab > Device Manager button).
2. Scroll down to Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand it.
3. Right-click the USB Root Hub and select Properties. Note that you might need to do so for all listed USB Root hubs (if there are more than one) in order to find the right one.
4. In the Power tab, look for your USB ADSL modem.
5. In the Resources tab look for the assigned IRQ (in this case - IRQ21).
6. This is the IRQ we're looking for.

Note: IRQs and modem names might vary...

Step #2 - Modify the system.ini file

1. Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the Run command.
2. Expand the system.ini file window.
3. Scroll down almost to the end of the file till you find a line called [386enh].
4. Press Enter to make one blank line, and in that line type IrqX=4096 where X is the designated IRQ number we found in step #1, in my case it's IRQ21.

Note: This line IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!

5. Click on the File menu, then choose Save.
6. Close SYSEDIT and reboot your computer.

Done. Speed improvement will be noticed after the computer reboots.


The most speed improvement is visible with USB.

WARNING:- It worked for not sure whether it will work for you...

Save bandwidth (For Firefox users)

The trick is same as that of Internet Explorer. Well, in this case it can be done using an Firefox extension called Flashblock.

WARNING:- Never install this extension, if your Firefox version is below 1.5 and in such a case, upgrade the browser and then install this plugin.

Restart the browser and you will be amazed to see, the flash ads being blocked. This plugin also has the option to exempt some sites (likeonline greeting sites etc) from block.

And this Firefox extension successfully blocks the following:
  • Macromedia Flash

  • Macromedia Shockwave

  • Macromedia Authorware

By Pass Genuine Check

How to Install Internet Explorer 7.0 Bypassing Genuine Windows Validation...

Internet Explorer 7.0 is the long awaited tabbed web browser by Microsoft. Nearly four years after the release of Internet Explorer 6.0, in the face of growing competition from Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft has finally given the old IE platform a facelift. Optimized design along with new cool interface, favorites centre, search box, RSS feeds and most importantly easy to use tabbed browsing are the exclusive features of this new internet explorer.

You must have Windows XP Service Pack-2 (SP2) in order to install Internet Explorer 7.0. But still you will face a problem while installing this new Internet Explorer if your copy of Windows XP is not a genuine (non-pirated) one, since IE 7.0 installation requires genuine windows validation!!! So what to do??? Don’t worry… There are some tricky steps through which you can install IE 7.0 even in your pirated copy of windows XP bypassing the genuine windows validation. You just have to follow the following steps one by one:
  1. Download Internet Explorer 7.0 installer from the Microsoft site. You have to choose Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) as your operating system. Remember you can’t install IE 7.0 if service pack 2.0 is not installed in your operating system. And if you are facing genuine windows validation problem while downloading IE7 installer from the Microsoft site, can also download this installer alternatively from here or directly from here.

  2. Extract the downloaded Internet Explorer setup file (IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe) using WinRAR to a directory (IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu).

  3. Download the patched iecustom.dll and then copy-paste it to the update folder (IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu\update\) and click yes when asked to overwrite.

  4. Now, download normaliz.exe . Then copy this exe file and paste it in your “c:\” drive.

  5. Run ‘update.exe’ in the update folder (not iesetup.exe!!!). At the end, you have to choose ‘Restart Later’ (not Restart Now) option to finish the running process of the exe file.

  6. Now you have to download normaliz.dll and then copy-paste it to “c:\windows\system32\” directory (in order to prevent problems with the file not being found after the installation). And then reboot/restart your pc.

  7. After rebooting your pc, you may face a problem with a file called normaliz.dll that can not be found by explorer.exe. If you’re having this problem, you will find your desktop blank.(If you are not facing this problem then just go to step 8) In order to fix this problem, you have to do the following things one by one:

    1. Press ctrl-alt-del to go to the task manager.
    2. Go to “File -> New Task (Run…)” in the task manager.
    3. Type: ‘C:\normaliz.exe’ (excluding quotation marks) in the ‘open’ field and then press the ‘ok’ button.
    4. WinZip Self-Extractor - normalize.exe’ window should popped up and then press the ‘unzip’ button.
    5. Reboot your pc and yahoo!!! now you can see your desktop contents!!!.

  8. Now you have to run ‘xmllitesetup.exe’ in the update folder. This step is very important, because somehow if you forget to run this ‘xmllitesetup.exe’ , IE 7.0 will be installed in your PC without it's toolbar!!!

  9. Then reboot your pc again, run Internet Explorer…and you are done!!!

Genuine Bypass

How to Install Windows Media Player 11.0 Bypassing Genuine Windows Validation...

Windows Media Player 11.0 is the latest Media Player by Microsoft. It offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video and pictures along with its new cool look. You must have Windows XP Service Pack-2 (SP2) in order to install Windows Media Player 11.0. But still you will face a problem while installing this new Windows Media Player if your copy of Windows XP is not a genuine (non-pirated) one, since WMP 11.0 installation requires genuine windows validation!!!

But there are some tricky steps through which you can install WMP 11.0 even in your pirated copy of windows XP bypassing the genuine windows validation. You just have to follow the following steps one by one:
  1. Download Windows Media Player 11.0 (make sure its the final and latest version, not beta) from the Microsoft Site. Alternatively, you can download the installer file directly from here. Remember you can’t install Windows Media Player 11.0 if service pack 2.0 is not installed in your operating system.

  2. Extract the downloaded Windows Media Player setup file (wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe) using WinRAR to a directory (wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu). Now make sure you have a LegitLibM.dll” file in the extracted “wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu” folder.

  3. Download the patched LegitLibM.dll and then copy-paste it to the “wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu” folder and click yes when asked to overwrite.

  4. Now run “setup_wm.exe” file in the “wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu” folder.

  5. Restart your PC, then run your Windows Media Player and you are done!!!

Windows Genuine startup Check Remove Tool

Disable Non Genuine Windows Warning Messages

Best patch to available for easy removal RemoveWGA 1.2 Download

Windows XP Pirates have again found workaround methods to bypass the new Microsoft Anti-Piracy effort - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications that notifies you through annonying pop-up messages if your copy of Windows is not genuine by by disabling WGATray.exe process.

The WGA Notifications patch is installed if the user has opted to automatically update Windows via the Windows Update Website or if a XP users manually downloads the latest Windows updates.

A workaround posted on internet WGA install workaround (KB905474) suggests the following:

End the process wgatray.exe in Windows TaskManager and restart Windows XP in safe mode. Now delete the following files:

Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\windowss\ystem32
Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\windows\system32\dllcache

Start Windows Registry editor and delete the folder "WGALOGON" located in the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonNotify. Delete all references in your registry to WgaTray.exe

Another alternative suggest that three files are installed Windows XP System Folder:


The wgatray.exe process makes the check for genuine windows software. You can disable WGA by removing the execute bit on WgaLogon.dll. That way, winlogon can't call it as a notification package at boot, and since WgaLogon is responsible for running and maintaining WgaTray.exe, no more tray popups either.

To change the execute bit of WgaLogon.dll, first turn off Simple File Sharing. Now right click the file in Windows Explorer and open the Security Tab. Hit the Advanced button, uncheck the Inherit box at the bottom, hit the Copy button, then hit OK. Go through each listed user/group and remove the "Read & Execute" permission for that file, leaving the "Read" permission as-is.

Hit OK to apply the permission changes and close the file properties dialog. Restart the machine. You can now turn "Use simple file sharing" back on, if you want.

A third alternative posted on the internet suggest that users clear the content of file data.dat located in the following directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage\data

Save the data.dat empty file and change the attributes to "Read Only" - Restart you computer. Or start your PC in Safe Mode and delete the following files from Windows system32 folder - wgalogon.dll spmgs.dll wgatray.exe The WGA setup file is in C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ Download\6c4788c9549d437e76e1773a7639582a

If you don't use "Fast User Switching", you can disable the Windows XP Welcome Screen if you are logged in as an Administrator. This will remove the initial WGA Warning Screen:

1. Click on Start -> Control Panel ->User Accounts
2. Click on "Change the way users log on or off"
3. Uncheck "Use the Welcome Screen" - Choose Apply
4. Close the User Accounts window and the Control Panel
5. The next time you reboot your computer, the classic login prompt will be used

To enable Fast User Switching, you must also enable the Use the Welcome screen option. Also, Fast User Switching cannot be used when Offline Files are enabled.

Disable wgatray.exe - Some users are claiming that removing the WGATray.exe (or killing the WGATray.exe process) are working for them. Here's how to search for WGATray.exe file - Screenshot

None of these methods are guaranteed to work and people are just experimenting. Meanwhile Microsoft is not willing to relent to crackers this time and are planning to release an update of WGADiag2.exe utility in the next few days.

WGADiag2 will also fix the problem with registry key permissions may cause the installation of Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications KB905474 to fail from Windows Update:

Here's a manual fix provided by Microsoft. These permissions can be repaired using Registry Editor as follows:

1. Click Start, and then click Run
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK
4. Locate the subkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LegitCheckControl.LegitCheck
5. Right-click the subkey and select Permissions….
6. Ensure that Administrators allowed Full Control permission
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the subkey

Microsoft has also published a kB article if the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation check process does not validate successfully on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer, and you receive one or both of the following

Product Key Inaccessible 0x80080212

This problem occurs when you do not have the appropriate permissions for the Windows Genuine Advantage\Data folder. In the Permissions for Users section, make sure that Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions are given. If the previous steps fail, start the computer in Safe Mode and rename the %allusersprofile%\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage directory.

After rmoval next time while updating dont updat the Genuine Update package
